One of the best (and the most delicious, of course) ways to observe cultures is to see how the locals eat, how they buy their produce, how they chit chat with sellers and each other about what’s in season and what they’re planning to cook for lunch. Here are some moments I captured on just another summer day at La Boqeria.
This lady, with the perfectly coiffured hair, red nail paint, and authoritative yet gentle mien made an indelible impact on me. She carefully picked her peaches, tasted the grapes to see if they cut the mustard, and even brought a plastic container for her fish. I was so pleased to find her in the market, I decided to tail her. It’s a pity I lost her 10 minutes later when I walked away to shoot a giant fish head (and also so that she doesn’t think I’m stalking her). I bought the same peaches at the end of my walk around the market. Those were the best peaches I’ve ever eaten. That’s exactly how I want to be when I grow old – happy to be shopping at the local market, and cooking the best of what it has to offer.
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