Today when I made my fifth batch of popcorn (since yesterday), I realised that buttery, sweet popcorn when tossed with cinnamon is something very, very addictive. And to have me making a fifth batch is pretty huge, especially when you know that I have not made popcorn at home in years.
This recipe is so simple, and the resultant popcorn is so delicious, that you won’t realise you’ve eaten through the entire bowl until you hit the last few kernels and the bottom of the bowl.
When making the popcorn, I cooked the sugar in the butter a little until slightly golden because I wanted a caramelised sugar flavour. If you don’t want that, just add the sugar and corn kernels at the same time. Next time I’m going to add a little more sugar and maybe a tiny splash of vanilla extract to make it smell even better.

Buttery Cinnamon Sugar Popcorn
Yield: 1 medium sized bowl
¼ cup butter
1 tablespoon canola or vegetable oil
½ cup corn kernels
4 tablespoons granulated sugar
1 teaspoon fine grain salt (sticks better to the popcorn)
¼ teaspoon freshly ground cinnamon
- Melt butter with the oil in a large pot. Add the sugar and cook it until just very slightly golden (note: a little more and the last few corn kernels that pop will be charred. Talking from experience.)
- Stir in the corn kernels and salt and make sure everything is well-combined.
- Cover with a lid and cook on medium-low heat until kernels stop popping. Be sure to shake the pot once or twice to make sure the kernels are cooking evenly.
- Remove from heat and immediately toss with the salt and cinnamon.